
Essential Things You Should Know About Healthcare Investment Banking

Currently, healthcare investment banking has to the attention of many people; everyone needs a safe place to run to when things are crashing in all the other groups such as the stock markets or there might be pandemics. Therefore, everyone needs to know what entails healthcare investment banking and clearly understand how things happen in the group. Many people are lately interested in learning more about this, but the sources seem limited.
If you are among the people who need to learn about the group, this article has what you need. We have compiled the essential things everyone needs to learn about healthcare investment banking. The following are the essentials you should know:

What is healthcare investment banking?

Before knowing how things work in this group, you first need to know their exact meaning. This is where bankers give crucial advice to companies in medical devices, pharmaceuticals, healthcare services, healthcare IT markets, and biotech about mergers, debt or equity issuances, and acquisitions.
The whole idea results from the banks dividing themselves into several product and industry groups, where healthcare falls in industry groups. The healthcare team focuses on every transaction carried out, such as equity, debt, M&A, among others; however, they are within the same industry.

What are the healthcare companies’ categories?

Common healthcare companies are under two major categories, that is;

Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and life sciences.

These are companies involved in making branded and generic drugs, which can be derived from chemicals known as pharmaceuticals or organisms, typically referred to as biotech. Moreover, this group has companies specifying in making tools and equipment supporting all these activities, majorly referred to as life sciences.

Health equipment and services

There are hospitals, labs, nursing facilities, medical devices, managed care, and assisted living facilities in this category.

Most of the available healthcare companies provide essential services with inelastic demand because even when a recession happens, sick people will always need treatment. This makes the sector always under regulation and has high government involvement worldwide, even in countries without universal healthcare.

Who can be a member of healthcare investment banking?

Being different from other groups such as life science venture capital and biotech equity research, one must not have advanced degrees in chemistry, medicine, or biology to be in this category to be a member of these groups. These groups tend to recruit many undergraduates who are not specifically from unrelated fields or have minimal medical health, but they are very helpful in specific verticals. What is most required here is the healthcare business models knowledge due to its effect on any activity done in this sector.

To be recruited in this group, you have to go through people’s processes when getting to other groups. You must be a graduate with an undergraduate or master’s degree, have relevant experience, and be prepared enough for the position and work.


Healthcare investment banking is among the most critical groups in any nation; government involvement ensures that its services are consistent whatsoever. Therefore, understanding the basics in this sector is essential to anyone interested in being part of the group.

More info on this can be found at Chardan Capital Markets.